Analogy test
a reasoning test in which the subject is required to supply the missing term in a relationship of the form “a is to b as y is to ^^^.”.
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not alphabetic: an -n-lphabetic arrangement of letters. unable to read or write; illiterate: -n-lphabetic peoples. phonetics. of or const-tuting a system of phonetic transcription, as the one devised by otto jespersen, that for each sound indicates by separate sets of symbols the articulator, the point of articulation, and the size and shape of the mouth […]
- Analphabet
a person who cannot read or write; illiterate.
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a person undergoing psycho-n-lysis. noun any person who is undergoing psycho-n-lysis -n-lysand a·nal·y·sand (ə-nāl’ĭ-sānd’) n. an individual who is being psycho-n-lyzed.
- Analysed
. to separate (a material or abstract ent-ty) into const-tuent parts or elements; determine the elements or essential features of (opposed to ): to -n-lyze an argument. to examine critically, so as to bring out the essential elements or give the essence of: to -n-lyze a poem. to examine carefully and in detail so as […]
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. the separating of any material or abstract ent-ty into its const-tuent elements (opposed to ). this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations: the grammatical -n-lysis of a sentence. a presentation, usually in writing, of the results of this process: the paper […]