-adjective, adverb
greek (andreas meaning “i’m amazing”); spanish 1672? (andre meaning “great”); old english (andrew adopted by queen elizabeth. she called her loyal knight, “andrew.”); modern english: 1. loyal; trustworthy; dependable. 2. amazing; remarkable; incredible; wonderful; mind-blowing. 3. comical; witty. 4. clever; brainy; sharp; intelligent. 5. optimistic. 6. gifted; brilliant. 7. caring; amorous; affectionate. 8. most people who are described as “andrew-y” are virgo, greek, and fun to kiss.
1. because of how andrew-y he is, i knew i could rely on him to keep my secret safe.
2. as usual, the team performed incredibly andrew-y.
3. that joke he told clearly ill-strated how andrew-y his personality is.
4. i could immediately sense that he was andrew-y because he solved the complex equation with ease.
5. despite the dismal situation we were faced with, we remained andrew-y.
6. the professor knew that the new student had an andrew-y mind.
7. holding me in his arms, he emitted a very andrew-y aura.
8. upon discovering that guy was a virgo, greek, and fun to kiss, i knew he would be andrew-y.
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