a dwarf from whom loki extorted a treasure, including a magic ring, to give to hreidmar as wergild for the killing of otter: andvari then cursed all those who would possess the treasure.
historical examples
in the volsunga saga we find it in the water, the possession of andvari.
richard wagner his life and his dramas w. j. henderson
he came to the pool before the cave and he watched for a sight of andvari.
the children of odin padraic colum
andvari i am named, oin was my father named; many a cataract have i p-ssed.
the elder eddas of saemund sigfusson; and the younger eddas of snorre sturleson saemund sigfusson and snorre sturleson
yes, if he were going to catch andvari she would lend her net to him.
the children of odin padraic colum
but andvari cursed the ring and the gold and all that might possess either.
the cl-ssic myths in english literature and in art (2nd ed.) (1911) charles mills gayley
“andvari, you are caught; it is one of the æsir who has taken you,” he heard his captor say.
the children of odin padraic colum
so there were sigurd and brynhild burned together, and the curse of the dwarf andvari was fulfilled.
the red fairy book various
he saw andvari sn-tch at something on the heap, but he made no sign of marking it.
the children of odin padraic colum
having to pay compensation to the father, loki robbed a dwarf, named andvari, of his gold.
the heroic age h. munro chadwick
for a more remote parallel we may compare the story of loki and andvari.
the heroic age h. munro chadwick
(norse myth) a dwarf who possessed a treasure h–rd, which was robbed by loki
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