a permanent cardiac or arterial dilatation usually caused by weakening of the vessel wall.
historical examples
sometimes the arterial vessels are so dilated as to impart to the tumour an aneurysmal pulsation and bruit.
manual of surgery alexis thomson and alexander miles
aneurysmal varix may occur in the neck as a result of stabs or bullet wounds.
manual of surgery alexis thomson and alexander miles
a sac formed by abnormal dilation of the weakened wall of a blood vessel
early 15c., from medieval latin aneurisma, from greek aneurysmos “dilation,” from aneurynein “to dilate,” from ana- “up” (see ana-) + eurynein “widen,” from eurys “broad, wide,” from pie root -were- “wide, broad” (cf. sanskrit uruh “broad, wide”).
aneurysm an·eu·rysm or an·eu·rism (ān’yə-rĭz’əm)
a localized, blood-filled dilation of a blood vessel caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall.
an’eu·rys’mal (-məl) or an’eu·ris·mat’ic (-māt’ĭk) adj.
a localized, blood-filled dilation of a blood vessel or cardiac chamber caused by disease, such as arteriosclerosis, or weakening of the vessel or chamber wall. a ruptured aneurysm results in hemorrhage and is often fatal.
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