angry gorilla
an angry gorilla is when you shave your p-b-s, then have a chick give you a bl-w then come on her face and throw a handful of p-b-s in her face,making her look like a gorilla.
the night before i left my wife, i gave her an angry gorilla
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the most severe form of uterine prolapse (fourth degree). also called procidentia, or the red pineapple, the entire uterus hangs outside the v-g-n- for fresh air. it is caused by severe weakening of all the supporting muscles of the pelvic floor, usually in women who have had more children than their husband’s iq. an angry gorilla cannot be missed as the woman has a bulge in the crotch area as big as tom jones’…
midwife: you two again?! you are only 28 and this is number 13!! your entire uterus has prolapsed and now we will have to cut it off and throw it in the bin!
unemployed husband (29): why do you need to cut it off? i like playing footie with it.
midwife: you stupid burro! an angry gorilla is just that – angry. it will get infected and septic with your toe cheese! both you and your wife should have had your tubes tied at birth!
woman: don’t waste your breath señora. he is a good catholic from tijuana. just go ahead and cut it off… (sigh)
when a person is mad for whatever reason and has to take a sh-t. they decide to sh-t in their hand and then leave the sh-t in a public location. typically, finger markings are left in the sh-t to make it appear like a hand grenade. originally mentioned on the free beer and hot wings morning radio show.
joe was so ticked at his boss when he worked at a movie theater that he left an angry gorilla in the urinal.
when a guy shaves all his pubic hair off and after a girl gives him head he throws them in her face and kicks her in the shin
after i shaved off my p-b-s i stashed them in my left pocket for later…then she sucked my d-ck and when i exploded in her face i flung the contents of my left pocket from earlier in and around her face then i kicked her in the shin and that is the angry gorilla
when you shave your b-tt crack and someone gives you a rim job, and they proceed to get your b-tt hair all over their face and mouth. they then run around the room waving their arms while screaming “arrgh!” at the top of their lungs.
i figured i would shave my -sscrack for my girl, but i didn’t clean all the hair off. so when she went to work on my cornhole i ended up giving her the angry gorilla!
when you take a sh-t and it flies all over the toilet leaving the bowl all messy just like if you would take the toilet off the floor and slam it back down.
man, someone pulled the angry gorilla on that sh-t pot!!!
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