Animal Collective

a excellent new york-based band which got it’s start in experimental and ambient music. all of the members are originally from baltimore, md and pennsylvania and go by alternate stage names – avey tare, panda bear, deakin and geologist. the group has released several lp’s and has seen growing success.

they are known for rhythmic beats, distorted sounds, guitar loops, lush layering, and distorted and often garbled lyrics. each alb-m has a very different sound and theme, and some say that their music has been getting more and more accessible over time.
i almost poo’d my pants at the animal collective show last night.
the most h-lla band out there. when you listen to them, you’ll be like d-mn, h-ll yeah d-mn, h-ll yeah d-mn, h-ll yeah d-mn, h-ll yeah
h-lla guy 1: “have you heard the new animal collective alb-m that was released in 2013?”
h-lla guy 2: “no?”
h-lla guy 1: “oh right because it doesnt exist hahahahah
h-lla guy 2:” -_- can you like stop”

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