Anime fan girl

a girl who is watches anime and possibly reads manga. not necessarily obsessed with it, though.
sarah- omg, that girl is such an anime fangirl. she’s obsessed with watching it!!

mathew- sarah, don’t be such an idiot. being an anime fangirl doesn’t mean your obsessed, an anime otaku does.
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the most unappealing girl you could ever think of, usually following these characteristics
12-16 years old
dirty blond hair
anime teeshirts every day
naruto headbands
person 1: hey dude -giggles- wana see a hot girl?

person 2: um.. sure, why not?

person 1: shows pic

person 2: great i now know that there is no god, thanks for the confirmation

person 1: yeah dude, anytime

anime fan girl

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