annulorrhaphy an·nu·lor·rha·phy (ān’yə-lôr’ə-fē)
the closure of a hernial ring by suture.
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- Annulose
furnished with or composed of rings: annulose animals. historical examples for if the annulose animals have been formed by aggregation, we ought to find this process much less perfect in the oldest form. on the genesis of species st. george mivart a lower type of annulose or ringed animal than that of the trilobites, is […]
- Annuls
(especially of laws or other established rules, usages, etc.) to make void or null; abolish; cancel; invalidate: to annul a marriage. to reduce to nothing; obliterate. to cancel (a regularly scheduled train, plane, social event, etc.) for one day or one time only. historical examples the landsgemeinde is, in fact, the supreme court, which approves […]
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annulus hemorrhoidalis annulus hemorrhoidalis annulus hem·or·rhoi·da·lis (hěm’ə-roi-dā’lĭs) n. see zona hemorrhoidalis.
- Annulus urethralis
annulus urethralis annulus urethralis annulus u·re·thra·lis (yur’ĭ-thrā’lĭs) n. see sphincter muscle of urinary bladder.
- Annunciate
to announce. verb (transitive) a less common word for announce v. 1530s, from past participle adjective annunciate (late 14c.) or directly from latin annunciatus, misspelling of annuntiatus, past participle of annuntiare (see announce). in some cases perhaps a back-formation from annunciation. related: annunciated; annunciating.