Annulus hemorrhoidalis
annulus hemorrhoidalis
annulus hemorrhoidalis annulus hem·or·rhoi·da·lis (hěm’ə-roi-dā’lĭs)
see zona hemorrhoidalis.
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to announce. verb (transitive) a less common word for announce v. 1530s, from past participle adjective annunciate (late 14c.) or directly from latin annunciatus, misspelling of annuntiatus, past participle of annuntiare (see announce). in some cases perhaps a back-formation from annunciation. related: annunciated; annunciating.
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(often initial capital letter) the announcement by the angel gabriel to the virgin mary of her conception of christ. (initial capital letter) a representation of this in art. (initial capital letter). also called lady day. the church festival on march 25 in memory of this. an act or instance of announcing; proclamation: the annunciation of […]
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. historical examples on the right is st. john; on the left an angel crowned with a chaplet of roses and bearing the annunciation lily. a popular handbook to the national gallery, volume i, foreign schools various
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an announcer. a signaling apparatus, generally used in conjunction with a buzzer, that displays a visual indication when energized by electric current. historical examples “you shall have breakfast instantly,” said bellingham, touching an annunciator, and awakening a distant electric t-tter somewhere. the minister’s charge william dean howells far away was the night nurse’s desk, with […]