(often initial capital letter) the announcement by the angel gabriel to the virgin mary of her conception of christ.
(initial capital letter) a representation of this in art.
(initial capital letter). also called lady day. the church festival on march 25 in memory of this.
an act or instance of announcing; proclamation:
the annunciation of a new foreign policy.
contemporary examples
indeed, the annunciation is retold in the holy book of islam not once, but twice.
the origins of islam: tom holland explains new book ‘in the shadow of the sword’ tom holland may 8, 2012
historical examples
the tribune mosaic is of the founder’s time, and represents the transfiguration and annunciation.
rambles in rome s. russell forbes
painted the altar-piece of the “annunciation,” in the cathedral, volterra.
luca signorelli maud cruttwell
i had drawn her apart from the company, expecting she would be agitated by the annunciation.
ernest linwood caroline lee hentz
we were entertained at the convent built over the place of the annunciation.
early travels in palestine arculf et al.
the time from the annunciation to the return from egypt was a time of deep emotion, of spirit-shaking events.
our lady saint mary j. g. h. barry
here i meet the annunciation of a character as august as it must have been startling.
the world’s great sermons, volume 04 various
what can be more full of sweetness and humble adoration than the annunciation!
lippincott’s magazine of popular literature and science, volume 20, september, 1877. various
thus ended the annunciation of the conjugal felicity of which grippy was the architect.
the entail john galt
we got away punctually, and in the course of an hour and a half arrived at the town of annunciation.
the innocents abroad mark twain (samuel clemens)
(new testament) the annunciation, the announcement of the incarnation by the angel gabriel to the virgin mary (luke 1:26–38)
also called annunciation day. the festival commemorating this, held on march 25 (lady day)
early 14c., “lady day,” from anglo-french anunciacioun, old french anonciacion, from latin annuntiationem (nominative annuntiatio), noun of action from past participle stem of annuntiare (see announce). the church festival (march 25) commemorating the visit of the angel gabriel to the virgin mary, foretelling the incarnation. general sense of “an announcing” is from 1560s. old english for “annunciation day” was bodungdæg.
an announcement made by the angel gabriel to mary, the mother of jesus, that she was going to bear a son, even though she was a virgin. her son was to be called jesus.
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