Anode resistance
(of a vacuum tube at a given level of output) the ratio of a small change in voltage of the anode to the corresponding small change in anode current.
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- Anodise
to coat (a metal, especially magnesium or aluminum) with a protective film by chemical or electrolytic means. verb to coat (a metal, such as aluminium or magnesium) with a protective oxide film by electrolysis v. 1931, from anode + -ize. related: anodized; anodizing.
- Anodize
to coat (a metal, especially magnesium or aluminum) with a protective film by chemical or electrolytic means. verb to coat (a metal, such as aluminium or magnesium) with a protective oxide film by electrolysis v. 1931, from anode + -ize. related: anodized; anodizing.
- Anodized
to coat (a metal, especially magnesium or aluminum) with a protective film by chemical or electrolytic means. verb to coat (a metal, such as aluminium or magnesium) with a protective oxide film by electrolysis v. 1931, from anode + -ize. related: anodized; anodizing.
- Anodontia
congenital absence of teeth. noun the congenital absence of teeth anodontia an·o·don·ti·a (ān’ō-dŏn’shē-ə, -shə) n. congenital absence of teeth. also called agomphosis.
- Anodynic
a medicine that relieves or allays pain. anything that relieves distress or pain: the music was an anodyne to his grief. relieving pain. soothing to the mind or feelings. noun a drug that relieves pain; -n-lgesic anything that alleviates mental distress adjective capable of relieving pain or distress adj. 1540s, from medieval latin anodynus “pain-removing, […]