
an -ssumed or false name.
an person or publication.
historical examples

referring to my remarks on the use of the word “anonym,” i may point out that this is not the correct t-tle of barbier’s work.
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you cannot express a negation such as this by a distinctive term like “anonym.”
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ein beitrag zur zeitgeschichte und zum neueren deutschen staatsrechte, anonym.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 13, slice 1 various

an′onym, a person whose name is not given: a pseudonym; anonym′ity, the quality or state of being anonymous.
chambers’s twentieth century dictionary (part 1 of 4: a-d) various

the anonym had, like scott, shirked, and had maintained his anonymity.
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a less common word for pseudonym
an anonymous person or publication

1812, “nameless person,” from french anonyme, from latin anonymus, from greek anonymos “without a name” (see anonymous). meaning “fict-tious name” is recorded from 1866.

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