the character in a good vs. evil plot that opposes the good/hero.
everyone seems to root for the hero’s in stories…but i like to root for the antagonist
1 more definition
an antagonist is the bad guy in a movie,book or video game that makes life impossible to the protagonist,in this case the good guy.
top 20 video game antagonists:
nº20:albert wesker (resident evil)
nº19:claudia wolf (silent hill 3)
nº18:edgar ross (red dead redemption)
nº17: shaun calderon (25 to life)
nº16: m-ssimo torini (grand theft auto liberty city stories)
nº15: v-ssili rykov (aliens vs. predator 2)
nº14: jerry martinez (grand theft auto vice city stories)
nº13: lionel starkweather (manhunt)
nº12: jack alexander (hitman blood money)
nº11: dr. proton (duke nukem)
nº10: leo kasper (manhunt 2)
nº09: osmund saddler (resident evil 4)
nº08: emilio barzini (the g-dfather the game)
nº07: the elder brother (kane & lynch dead men)
nº06: frank tenpenny (grand theft auto san andreas)
nº05: gary smith (bully)
nº04: blake dexter (hitman absolution)
nº03: governor griffon (red dead revolver)
nº02: shangsi (kane & lynch 2 dog days)
nº01: mental (serious sam)
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