
of or relating to the ancient or modern city of rome, or to its inhabitants and their customs and culture:
roman restaurants.
of or relating to the ancient kingdom, republic, and empire whose capital was the city of rome.
of a kind or character regarded as typical of the ancient romans:
roman virtues.
(usually lowercase) designating or pertaining to the upright style of printing types most commonly used in modern books, periodicals, etc., of which the main text of this dictionary is an example.
of or relating to the roman catholic church.
noting, pertaining to, or resembling the architecture of ancient rome, especially the public and religious architecture, characterized by the employment of m-ssive brick and concrete construction, with such features as the semicircular arch, the dome, and groin and barrel vaults, by the use in interiors of marble and molded stucco revetments, by the elaboration of the greek orders as purely decorative motifs for the adornment of façades and interiors, and by an overall effect in which simplicity and grandeur of m-ssing is often combined with much elaboration of detailing.
written in or pertaining to .
a native, inhabitant, or citizen of ancient or modern rome.
the dialect of italian spoken in rome.
(usually lowercase) roman type or lettering.
disparaging. a member of the roman catholic church.
rare. the latin language.
a male given name.
contemporary examples

as we hear in mark 15:7, he was apparently an insurrectionist, an anti-roman revolutionary, and had killed someone in a skirmish.
the barabbas theory of voting: bible story shows tough choices for midterms jay parini november 1, 2014

historical examples

but these surely increased; and the mithridatic war, in which athens had taken the anti-roman side, changed all for the worse.
the evolution of states j. m. robertson

the movement of 1833 started out o£ the anti-roman feelings of the emanc-p-tion time.
the life of william ewart gladstone, vol. 1 (of 3) john morley

parthia was languishing and drooping as an anti-roman state, when the last of the arsacid expired.
the caesars thomas de quincey

there was anarchy in syracuse for a time, the roman and anti-roman parties striving for supremacy.
the story of great inventions elmer ellsworth burns

it was anti-roman as much as it was anti-sectarian and anti-erastian.
the life of william ewart gladstone, vol. 1 (of 3) john morley

noun (pl) anti-romans (ɑ̃tirɔmɑ̃)
another term for antinovel
of, relating to, or denoting a vertical style of printing type: the usual form of type for most printed matter compare italic
roman type or print
a metrical narrative in medieval french literature derived from the chansons de geste
of or relating to rome or its inhabitants in ancient or modern times
of or relating to roman catholicism or the roman catholic church
denoting, relating to, or having the style of architecture used by the ancient romans, characterized by large-scale masonry domes, barrel vaults, and semicircular arches
a citizen or inhabitant of ancient or modern rome
(informal) short for roman catholic

old english, from latin rom-n-s “of rome, roman,” from roma “rome” (see rome). the adjective is c.1300, from old french romain. the old english adjective was romanisc, which yielded middle english romanisshe.

as a type of numeral (usually contrasted to arabic) it is attested from 1728; as a type of lettering (based on the upright style typical of roman inscriptions, contrasted to gothic, or black letter, and italic) it is recorded from 1510s. roman nose is from 1620s. roman candle as a type of fireworks is recorded from 1834. roman catholic is attested from c.1600, a conciliatory formation from the time of the spanish match, replacing romanist, romish which by that time had the taint of insult in protestant england.

“a novel,” 1765, from french roman, from old french romanz (see romance (n.)); roman à clef, novel in which characters represent real persons, literally “novel with a key” (french), first attested in english 1893. and, for those who can’t get enough of it, roman policier “a story of police detection” (1928).
see: when in rome do as the romans do

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