(modifier) of or relating to an electronic circuit that produces an output pulse if one but not both of its input terminals receives a pulse within a specified interval of time compare coincidence (sense 3)
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the act of ; a coming violently into contact; crash: the collision of two airplanes. a clash; conflict: a collision of purposes. physics. the meeting of particles or of bodies in which each exerts a force upon the other, causing the exchange of energy or momentum. historical examples they had come close enough to each […]
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opposition to colonialism.
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(initial capital letter) a member of the communist party or movement. an advocate of . a person who is regarded as supporting politically leftist or subversive causes. (usually initial capital letter) a communard. (initial capital letter) of or relating to the communist party or to communism. pertaining to communists or . contemporary examples it may […]
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- Anticonvulsant
causing convulsions; convulsive. a convulsant agent. contemporary examples after a few medication attempts, the doctors landed on a very low dose of the anticonvulsant lamotrigine. the seizure medication that turns you into a poet cat ferguson september 11, 2014 noun any of a cl-ss of drugs used to prevent or abolish convulsions adjective of or […]