of, relating to, or characteristic of .
(of diseases) due to .
phonetics, (def 2).
1620s, from latin parasiticus, from greek parasitikos “of or pertaining to a parasite; the trade of a parasite,” from parasitos (see parasite). biological sense is from 1731. related: parasitical, 1570s in reference to toadies; from 1640s in the biological sense.
antiparasitic an·ti·par·a·sit·ic (ān’tē-pār’ə-sĭt’ĭk, ān’tī-)
destroying or inhibiting the growth and reproduction of parasites.
an’ti·par’a·sit’ic n.
parasitic par·a·sit·ic (pār’ə-sĭt’ĭk) or par·a·sit·i·cal (-ĭ-kəl)
of, relating to, or characteristic of a parasite.
caused by a parasite.
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