
pertaining to or affecting .
free from or cleaned of germs and other microorganisms.
exceptionally clean or neat.
free of contamination or pollution.
an antiseptic agent.
contemporary examples

they also make “food grade industrial alcohol” used in everything from solvents and antiseptics to fungicides.
your ‘craft’ rye whiskey is probably from a factory distillery in indiana eric felten july 27, 2014

historical examples

these are employed either as antiseptics or as astringents or for both purposes.
surgery, with special reference to podiatry maximilian stern

reject milk to which antiseptics have been added as preservatives.
the elements of bacteriological technique john william henry eyre

antiseptics are a source of serious danger to the agriculturist.
the dwelling house george vivian poore

rankin followed him into the bedroom, which was filled with a strong odor of antiseptics.
the squirrel-cage dorothy canfield

antiseptics have made it possible to perform these operations with practically no risk to life.
the fertility of the unfit william allan chapple

kenny sickened at the faint odor of antiseptics and softly closed the door.
kenny leona dalrymple

the disorder is not malignant and usually yields to cleanliness and antiseptics.
essentials of diseases of the skin henry weightman stelwagon

the antiseptics were at work upon his senses and the violets could not reach him.
the witness grace livingston hill lutz

ansthetics and antiseptics,—that’s what they are talking about so hard.
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of, relating to, or effecting antisepsis
entirely free from contamination
(informal) lacking spirit or excitement; clinical
an antiseptic agent or substance

1750, coined from anti- “against” + septic. figurative use by 1820. as a noun meaning “an antiseptic substance” by 1803.

antiseptic an·ti·sep·tic (ān’tĭ-sěp’tĭk)

of, relating to, or producing antisepsis.

capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents.

a substance that inhibits the proliferation of infectious agents.
a substance that inhibits the proliferation of infectious microorganisms.

substances that prevent or inhibit the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.

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