an antiperspirant.
inhibiting perspiration.
antisudorific an·ti·su·dor·if·ic (ān’tē-sōō’də-rĭf’ĭk, ān’tī-)
capable of inhibiting the secretion of sweat.
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the right to vote, especially in a political election. a vote given in favor of a proposed measure, candidate, or the like. ecclesiastical. a prayer, especially a short intercessory prayer or pet-tion. noun the right to vote, esp in public elections; franchise the exercise of such a right; casting a vote a supporting vote a […]
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an advocate of the grant or extension of political , especially to women. historical examples the crowds on the route were greater than usual, and the occasion was marked by no untoward incident, suffragist or otherwise. the annual register 1914 anonymous the prime minister, between you and me, is as good a suffragist as any […]
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noting a relation in which one element’s dependence on a second implies that the second element is not dependent on the first, as the relation “greater than.”. adjective (logic) (of a relation) never holding between a pair of arguments x and y when it holds between y and x except when x = y, as […]