antroscope an·tro·scope (ān’trə-skōp’)
an instrument for examining a cavity or an antrum.
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- Antroscopy
antroscopy antroscopy an·tros·co·py (ān-trŏs’kə-pē) n. examination by means of an antroscope.
- Antrostomy
antrostomy antrostomy an·tros·to·my (ān-trŏs’tə-mē) n. the surgical formation of an opening into an antrum.
- Antrotympanic
antrotympanic antrotympanic an·tro·tym·pan·ic (ān’trō-tĭm-pān’ĭk) adj. relating to the mastoid antrum and the tympanic cavity.
- Antrotomy
antrotomy antrotomy an·trot·o·my (ān-trŏt’ə-mē) n. incision through the wall of an antrum.
- Antrum of highmore
antrum of highmore antrum of highmore n. see maxillary sinus.