any amphibian of the order anura, comprising the frogs and toads.
belonging or pertaining to the anura.
historical examples
studies of chromosomes of some anuran amphibians (hylidae and centrolenidae).
middle american frogs of the hyla microcephala group william e. duellman
the characters used in the systematic study of the frogs in this group are those usually employed in anuran systematics.
a review of the frogs of the hyla bistincta group william e. duellman
any of the vertebrates of the order anura (or salientia), characterized by absence of a tail and very long hind legs specialized for hopping: cl-ss amphibia (amphibians). the group includes the frogs and toads
of, relating to, or belonging to the order anura
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retention of urine in the bladder. noun (pathol) inability to urinate even though urine is formed by the kidneys and retained in the urinary bladder compare anuria anuresis an·u·re·sis (ān’yə-rē’sĭs) n. the inability to p-ss urine. an’u·ret’ic (-rět’ĭk) adj.
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the absence or suppression of urine. historical examples during the twenty-four hours following the operation there was anuria. a system of operative surgery, volume iv (of 4) various noun (pathol) complete suppression of urine formation, often as the result of a kidney disorder compare anuresis, oliguria n. 1838, medical latin, from greek an-, privative prefix […]
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the absence or suppression of urine. noun (pathol) complete suppression of urine formation, often as the result of a kidney disorder compare anuresis, oliguria n. 1838, medical latin, from greek an-, privative prefix (see an- (1)), + ouron “urine” (see urine). anuria a·nu·ri·a (ə-nur’ē-ə, ə-nyur’-) n. the absence of urine formation. a·nu’ric (ə-nur’ĭk, ə-nyur’-) adj.
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having no tail. historical examples aglossa, a sub-order of anurous amphibia, the frogs, without a tongue. the new gresham encyclopedia. vol. 1 part 1 various adjective (zoology) lacking a tail; tailless; acaudate
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richard joseph, born 1930, u.s. op-art painter.