french name of .
historical examples
i reached anvers in two days, and finding a yacht ready to start i got on board and arrived at rotterdam the next day.
the memoires of casanova, complete jacques casanova de seingalt
he was slain in a bl–dy battle with them, near anvers, in 866.
historical tales, vol 5 (of 15) charles morris
“the letter is postmarked ‘anvers,'” said the doctor, picking up the letter from the table.
dikes and ditches oliver optic
anvers, malgr un lger masque de sn-bisme, qui pourrait tromper, n’a pas chang depuis.
instigations ezra pound
the lighter of these models (which was shown at anvers) weighs no less than 264,000 pounds, carriage not included.
scientific american supplement, no. 598, june 18, 1887 various
so they are gradually abandoning our port, and going to load and unload at anvers and elsewhere.
scientific american supplement, no. 455, september 20, 1884 various
a woman at anvers had given birth to a son, the offspring of an illicit connection, who came into the world deaf and dumb.
the pilgrims of the rhine edward bulwer-lytton
anne, you know, has covered himself with glory in that retreat from anvers, and is alive.
the forty-five guardsmen alexandre dumas
the curtain rises upon a site near the environs of anvers, on the borders of scheldt.
richard wagner and his poetical work judith gautier
there is scarcely an elevation of six feet on the whole course from brussels to anvers.
the knickerbocker, vol. 10, no. 6, december 1837 various
the french name for antwerp
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