aol chat geek
1) 13 year old nerds who like to use internet acronyms often.
2) mindless f-cks who are fat, covered in pimples and can’t get a date
3) the people who come and post definitions here constantly.
in other words lamers
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meaning u just got diss. used 2 add 2 a diss person 1: u suck person2: shalzam!!!!!
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a combination of ones b-tch,whipping boy, and slave. person a:why is he always doing things for you person b: he’s my gilmore when a person has an idea that gets many people involved in an event and then that person backs out, leaving everyone else hanging. it was mark’s idea that we all commit to […]
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“f-cking patronizing f-cking” a name commonly used by musicians being overly-emotional at being told to calm down and have some tea. can also be used in any situation were one is being told to calm down/ you fpf! abbrivation for f-ck ,party, and fight, things to do when bored person 1: dude what do you […]
- Venky
noun 1. informal. a moron, a hugely incompetent person or group of persons lacking in intelligence and/or lacking the necessary equipment, skills and experience esp. relating to s-xual performance. 2. sport related jargon. someone or something of great initial promise that falls embar-ssingly short. 3. business. a liar. a seller of commodities for personal gain. […]