free from spherical aberration and coma.
historical examples
a lens in which the spherical aberration is corrected is said to be aplanatic.
an elementary text-book of the microscope john william griffith
aplanatic triplets 64-68 can only be used on stands with rack and pinion adjustment.
microscopes and accessory apparatus ernst leitz
(of a lens or mirror) free from spherical aberration
aplanatic ap·la·nat·ic (āp’lə-nāt’ĭk)
of or relating to an optical lens that is free from chromatic or spherical aberration.
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defective development or congenital absence of a limb, organ, or other body part. noun (pathol) congenital absence or abnormal development of an organ or part n. 1885, medical latin, from greek a-, privative prefix (see a- (3)), + -plasia. aplasia a·pla·si·a (ə-plā’zē-ə, -zhə) n. congenital absence of an organ or tissue. incomplete, r-t-rded, or defective […]
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