an apl variant with algol-like control structure, from hewlett-packard(?).
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- Aplite
a fine-grained granite composed essentially of feldspar and quartz. noun a light-coloured fine-grained acid igneous rock with a sugary texture, consisting of quartz and feldspars
- Apls
apls antiphospholipid syndrome
- Aplweb
aplweb text, tool a web to apl and web to tex translator by dr. christoph von basum of the university of bielefeld, germany. (ftp://watserv1.uwaterloo.ca/languages/apl/aplweb/). (1992-12-27)
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apma american podiatric medical -ssociation american preventive medical -ssociation contemporary examples bhatti founded the all-pakistan minorities alliance (apma), an advocacy group, in 1985, and joined government in november 2008. shahbaz bhatti: pakistani minister -ss-ssinated fasih ahmed march 1, 2011
- Apmr
apmr -ssociation for physical and mental rehabilitation