
to offer an or excuse for some fault, insult, failure, or injury:
he apologized for accusing her falsely.
to make a formal defense in speech or writing.
contemporary examples

they thanked him profusely for his public service, apologized for republican hectoring, and complained about decorum.
house republicans take on john koskinen: scenes from an irs sideshow tim mak june 23, 2014

they apologized for “poor judgment,” then essentially retracted the apology by claiming wolf’s aide was provoked.
virginia republicans haven’t learned paul begala october 28, 2008

at the time, facebook apologized for issuing a block to the page.
reaganbook is the latest conservative #fail gideon resnick july 30, 2014

consequently, as politico reported, christie apologized to adelson for using the word “occupation.”
chris christie dares to speak the truth about palestinians dean obeidallah march 30, 2014

agema has now apologized,, but only for the anti-muslim remarks.
10 gop rebranding roadblocks ben jacobs january 29, 2014

historical examples

he had not read many lines when, turning about, he apologized in the most courteous terms for the manner of my reception.
harper’s new monthly magazine, vol. iii, no. xvii, october 1851 various

the baptist pulled off his hat, and apologized, on the ground of illness.
the works of whittier, volume vi (of vii) john greenleaf whittier

she smiled through the rain and apologized for weeping, when she should have apologized for stopping weeping.
we can’t have everything rupert hughes

one of them happened to elbow him in p-ssing, and apologized.
the mystery of murray davenport robert neilson stephens

and then turning with a smile to the pole, i apologized for taking away his servant for a few minutes.
the czar’s spy william le queux

verb (intransitive)
to express or make an apology; acknowledge failings or faults
to make a formal defence in speech or writing

1590s, “to speak in defense of;” see apology + -ize. main modern sense “to regretfully acknowledge” is attested by 1725. the greek equivalent, apologizesthai, meant simply “to give an account.” related: apologized; apologizing.

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