
near or approaching a certain state, condition, goal, or standard.
nearly exact; not perfectly accurate or correct:
the approximate time was 10 o’clock.
near; close together.
very similar; nearly identical.
to come near to; approach closely to:
to approximate an ideal.
to estimate:
we approximated the distance at three miles.
to simulate; imitate closely:
the motions of the stars can be approximated in a planetarium.
to bring near.
to come near in position, character, amount, etc.
historical examples

i think he approximated more nearly to running, that day, than he ever had done in his life before.
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the edges must then be pared and approximated as directed above.
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the modern usage in dutch and german has approximated to the english.
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this period we approximated in our last discourse, and made it out to be about 1,957.
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in addition it has width and breadth, which are approximated by the idea of simultaneity to a certain extent.
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this conduct of venery is an ideal that is only approximated.
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though no photoplay tableau has yet approximated the brush of inness, why not attempt to lead jeanne through an inness landscape?
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it must be confessed that the latter is often approximated by reality–and everybody knows it.
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at eleven, they had approximated so near each other, that the landsmen employed their musketry, and with effect.
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of course, conditions on earth could be approximated on another planet.
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adjective (əˈprɒksɪmɪt)
almost accurate or exact
inexact; rough; loose: only an approximate fit
much alike; almost the same
near; close together
verb (əˈprɒksɪˌmeɪt)
(usually foll by to) to come or bring near or close; be almost the same (as)
(maths) to find an expression for (some quant-ty) accurate to a specified degree see accurate (sense 4)

early 15c., from latin approximatus, past participle of approximare “to come near to,” from ad- “to” (see ad-) + proximare “come near,” from proximus “nearest,” superlative of prope “near” (see propinquity).

early 15c., “to bring or put close,” from approximate (adj.). meaning “to come close” is from 1789. related: approximated; approximating.

approximate ap·prox·i·mate (ə-prŏk’sə-māt’)
v. ap·prox·i·mat·ed, ap·prox·i·mat·ing, ap·prox·i·mates
to bring together, as cut edges of tissue. adj. (-mĭt)

relating to the contact surfaces, either proximal or distal, of two adjacent teeth; proximate.

close together. used of the teeth in the human jaw.

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