
a guess or estimate:
ninety-three million miles is an approximation of the distance of the earth from the sun.
nearness in sp-ce, position, degree, or relation; proximity; closeness.
mathematics, physics. a result that is not necessarily exact, but is within the limits of accuracy required for a given purpose.
contemporary examples

to the second point, reinhart and rogoff had, to a first approximation, zero actual effect on policy.
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finally, the former president is home, back in civilian life—or at some approximation of it.
the last ride the daily beast january 18, 2009

there are, to a first approximation, zero healthy adoptable babies in the us foster care system.
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historical examples

an approximation to these conditions was made in the following manner.
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the more perfect the approximation to truth, the more perfect is art.
spontaneous activity in education maria montessori

when a first approximation has been obtained in this way, further approximations can be obtained in various ways.
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this approximation, however, will serve all the purposes of this argument.
a disquisition on the evils of using tobacco orin fowler

history can never be other than an approximation to the truth, even when it relates to the events and characters of its own age.
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you cannot have read them without some approximation to our church.
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her code of manners included no approximation toward familiarity between a talcott and a letter of lodgings.
just sixteen. susan coolidge

the process or result of making a rough calculation, estimate, or guess: he based his conclusion on his own approximation of the fuel consumption
an imprecise or unreliable record or version: an approximation of what really happened
(maths) an inexact number, relationship, or theory that is sufficiently accurate for a specific purpose

an estimate of the value of some quant-ty to a desired degree of accuracy
an expression in simpler terms than a given expression which approximates to it


early 15c., “act of coming near or close,” noun of action from approximate (v.). meaning “result of approximating” is from 1650s.

approximation ap·prox·i·ma·tion (ə-prŏk’sə-mā’shən)
bringing tissue edges into desired apposition for suturing.

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