the name ariele means lioness of g-d. loves life and adventure. very intelligent but doesn’t show off her smarts. loves to protect the underdog. very kind and giving selflessly. can champion a cause if she believes it is good.
ariele is very creative and knowledgeable of many issues. she is fun and has a wonderful sense of humor. tough as nails if needed. vulnerable and sweet at all other times. wouldn’t want to cross her if you did wrong. she is a ferocious defender of anything that means something to her. a very dedicated friend. a wonderful daughter.
ariele will climb mountains and carry you on her back if there is a need. she will stand beside you in a fight and will never abandon you.
ariele is extremely smart and intelligent. she may be so smart that she lacks some common sense because she is so far beyond common thinking. does not show off her intelligence, just uses it wisely.
ariele is fun, s-xy and loves adventure. she is not a foo foo kind of girl. very no nonsense about girly girl things but still feminine and beautiful.
“she’s so protective and strong, what an ariele.”
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