anatomy. a blood vessel that conveys blood from the heart to any part of the body.
a main channel or highway, especially of a connected system with many branches.
contemporary examples
in my practice, i take advantage of two preventive tests that help me quickly and easily find out how old your arteries are.
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twenty minutes later, the surgeons told us they needed to start on the 12-hour operation to save his arteries.
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the higher your score the more plaque you have in your arteries and the greater your risk of a future heart attack.
could a daily aspirin be deadly? arthur agatston, m.d. february 22, 2010
paralysis and waste clog albany’s arteries, nothing appears to break the logjam.
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of these deaths, coronary heart disease—the narrowing of the arteries that feed the heart—accounts for more than half the deaths.
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historical examples
you would have thought my appearance was enough to freeze their veins and arteries.
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not a drop of blood was found in the veins nor was any found in the arteries or heart.
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m. gannal has successfully employed a solution of this salt to preserve animal bodies, by throwing it into the arteries.
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i know there are professors in this country who “ligate” arteries.
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ch-r-ic symptoms have been produced by injecting granules of starch into the arteries entering the brain.
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noun (pl) -teries
any of the tubular thick-walled muscular vessels that convey oxygenated blood from the heart to various parts of the body compare pulmonary artery, vein
a major road or means of communication in any complex system
late 14c., from anglo-french arterie, old french artaire (13c.; modern french artère), and directly from latin arteria, from greek arteria “windpipe,” also “an artery,” as distinct from a vein; related to aeirein “to raise” (see aorta).
they were regarded by the ancients as air ducts because the arteries do not contain blood after death; medieval writers took them for the channels of the “vital spirits,” and 16c. senses of artery in english include “trachea, windpipe.” the word is used in reference to artery-like systems of major rivers from 1805; of railways from 1850.
artery ar·ter·y (är’tə-rē)
any of a branching system of muscular, elastic blood vessels that, except for the pulmonary and umbilical arteries, carry aerated blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.
any of the blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. arteries are flexible, elastic tubes with muscular walls that expand and contract to pump blood through the body.
arterial adjective (är-tîr’ē-əl)
blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart and to the body tissues. (compare veins; see circulatory system.)
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