
degenerative changes in the arteries, characterized by thickening of the vessel walls and acc-mulation of calcium with consequent loss of elasticity and lessened blood flow.
historical examples

were arteriosclerosis a simple disease of an acute character there might be grounds for giving a more or less definite prognosis.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

simple atheroma must not be confused with the lesions of arteriosclerosis.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

arteriosclerosis of the cerebral vessels is always a serious condition.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

we can do no more than sketch briefly some of them in relation to arteriosclerosis.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

it is manifestly absurd to treat the laboring man with his arteriosclerosis as one would treat the successful financier.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

once arteriosclerosis is present a vicious circle is established.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

such a case of arteriosclerosis is evidently not to be regarded as early.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

only in this way is the prophylaxis of arteriosclerosis possible.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

hence the clinical measuring of the pressure in the brachial artery alone is not sufficient for a diagnosis of arteriosclerosis.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

far different is it when treating a disease like arteriosclerosis.
arteriosclerosis and hypertension: louis marshall warfield

noun (pl) -ses (-siːz)
a pathological condition of the circulatory system characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls nontechnical name hardening of the arteries

“hardening of the arteries,” 1885, medical latin, from arterio- + sclerosis.

arteriosclerosis ar·te·ri·o·scle·ro·sis (är-tēr’ē-ō-sklə-rō’sĭs)
any of a group of chronic diseases in which thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls result in impaired blood circulation. also called arterial sclerosis.
ar·te’ri·o·scle·rot’ic (-rŏt’ĭk) adj.
a thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls that results in impaired blood circulation. see also atherosclerosis.
arteriosclerosis [(ahr-teer-ee-oh-skluh-roh-sis)]

a disease commonly called hardening of the arteries. in arteriosclerosis, the walls of the arteries thicken and harden. the loss of flexibility results in a lessening of the flow of blood to the various organs of the body. (compare atherosclerosis; see circulatory system.)

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