Arthritis deformans

arthritis deformans

arthritis deformans arthritis de·for·mans (dē-fôr’mānz’)
see rheumatoid arthritis.
historical examples

tinkering with the diet has never been known to do any good for arthritis deformans and often does harm.
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but you are in an advanced stage of arthritis deformans of the soul.
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in hallux valgus, the metatarso-phalangeal joint of the great toe undergoes changes characteristic of arthritis deformans.
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degeneration of the cartilage tissue: ankylosis, gout, arthritis deformans.
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it gives rise to symptoms which are liable to be mistaken for those of pott’s disease or of arthritis deformans.
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in arthritis deformans, however, the ilio-tibial band of the fascia lata is not relaxed as it is in fracture.
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the third type of arthritis deformans is the chronic slow running type which involves many joints before the process is complete.
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chronic changes of the nature of arthritis deformans may occur in and around such false joints.
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the diagnosis is to be made from arthritis deformans, and in some cases from loose body of other than tuberculous origin.
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arthritis deformans affects the knee more frequently than any of the other large joints.
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