arthrodysplasia ar·thro·dys·pla·sia (är’thrō-dĭs-plā’zhə, -zē-ə)
abnormal joint development.
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- Arthroendoscopy
arthroendoscopy arthroendoscopy ar·thro·en·dos·co·py (är’thrō-ěn-dŏs’kə-pē) n. see arthroscopy.
- Arthrogram
an x-ray photograph produced by arthrography.
- Arthrography
x-ray examination of a joint following injection of a radiopaque substance. noun the x-ray examination of a joint after injection of a contrast medium into the joint sp-ce arthrography ar·throg·ra·phy (är-thrŏg’rə-fē) n. examination of the interior of a joint using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance. ar’thro·gram’ (är’thrə-grām’) n.
- Arthrogryposis
arthrogryposis arthrogryposis ar·thro·gry·po·sis (är’thrə-grə-pō’sĭs) n. the permanent fixation of a joint in a contracted position. a congenital disorder marked by generalized stiffness of the joints, often accompanied by muscle and nerve degeneration,resulting in severely impaired mobility of the limbs. also called amyoplasia congenita, arthrogryposis multiplex congenita.
- Arthrolith
arthrolith arthrolith ar·thro·lith (är’thrə-lĭth’) n. a concretion within a joint.