any of the segments or parts of a jointed animal.
any of the segments of the body of an arthropod
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arthrometer arthrometer ar·throm·e·ter (är-thrŏm’ĭ-tər) n. a calibrated device for measuring the arc or range of mobility of a joint. also called goniometer.
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disease of the joints. arthropathy ar·throp·a·thy (är-thrŏp’ə-thē) n. a disease or an abnormality of a joint.
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disease of the joints. historical examples except that the joint disease is seldom symmetrical, it closely resembles the arthropathy of tabes. manual of surgery alexis thomson and alexander miles arthropathy ar·throp·a·thy (är-thrŏp’ə-thē) n. a disease or an abnormality of a joint.
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arthrophyma arthrophyma ar·thro·phy·ma (är’thrō-fī’mə) n. a tumor or swelling of a joint.
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the surgical repair of a joint or the fashioning of a movable joint, using the patient’s own tissue or an artificial replacement. historical examples an attempt should be made by arthroplasty to secure a movable joint at least on one side. manual of surgery volume second: extremities–head–neck. sixth edition. alexander miles noun surgical repair of […]