
uttered clearly in distinct syllables.
capable of speech; not speechless.
using language easily and fluently; having facility with words:
an articulate speaker.
expressed, formulated, or presented with clarity and effectiveness:
an articulate thought.
made clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts:
an articulate form; an articulate shape; an articulate area.
(of ideas, form, etc.) having a meaningful relation to other parts:
an articulate image.
having parts or distinct areas organized into a coherent or meaningful whole; unified:
an articulate system of philosophy.
zoology. having joints or ; composed of segments.
to utter clearly and distinctly; pr-nounce with clarity.
phonetics. to make the movements and adjustments of the speech organs necessary to utter (a speech sound).
to give clarity or distinction to:
to articulate a shape; to articulate an idea.
dentistry. to position or reposition (teeth); subject to .
to unite by a joint or joints.
to reveal or make distinct:
an injection to articulate arteries so that obstructions can be observed by x-ray.
to pr-nounce clearly each of a succession of speech sounds, syllables, or words; enunciate:
to articulate with excessive precision.
phonetics. to articulate a speech sound.
anatomy, zoology. to form a joint.
obsolete. to make terms of agreement.
a segmented invertebrate.
contemporary examples

no critic had ever come at updike so relentlessly, viciously, and articulately as wood.
writing off updike lee siegel january 31, 2009

historical examples

some of the tests we meet by actions that are easy, and some of the questions we answer in articulately formulated words.
the behavior of crowds everett dean martin

at least it’s not sharply, not articulately conscious of them.
the tragic muse henry james

the voice thrilled to his hearing, as plainly, as articulately as it had ever done when she had stood before him.
the sign of the spider bertram mitford

this question was not articulately answered, but the reply was satisfactory.
the romance of the coast james runciman

“i know who he is,” said william; “i know to whom he belongs,” as articulately as his agitation would allow him to speak.
deaf and dumb! elizabeth sandham

the pragmatist, on the contrary, articulately defines their meaning.
the meaning of truth william james

it is but a small part of our experience in life that we are ever able articulately to recall.
talks to teachers on psychology; and to students on some of life’s ideals william james

the greeks first articulately conceived and deliberately pursued the ideal of freedom.
the unity of civilization various

thomas, however, handed her the toast, and she then articulately said—“thank you.”
the barbadoes girl mrs. hofland

adjective (ɑːˈtɪkjʊlɪt)
able to express oneself fluently and coherently: an articulate lecturer
having the power of speech
distinct, clear, or definite; well-constructed: an articulate voice, an articulate doc-ment
(zoology) (of arthropods and higher vertebrates) possessing joints or jointed segments
verb (ɑːˈtɪkjʊˌleɪt)
to speak or enunciate (words, syllables, etc) clearly and distinctly
(transitive) to express coherently in words
(intransitive) (zoology) to be jointed or form a joint
(transitive) to separate into jointed segments

1590s, “to divide speech into distinct parts” (earlier “to formally bring charges against,” 1550s), from latin articulatus, past participle of articulare “to separate into joints,” also “to utter distinctly,” from articulus “joint” (see article). generalized sense of “express in words” is from 1690s. literal sense, “to join, to attach by joints,” is attested from 1610s. earlier senses, “to set forth in articles,” “to bring a charge against” (1560s) now are obsolete or nearly so. related: articulated; articulating.

1580s in the speech sense (1570s as “formulated in articles”), from latin articulatus (see articulate (v.)). literal meaning “composed of segments united by joints” is from c.1600; the general sense of “speaking accurately” is short for articulate-speaking (1829). related: articulately.

articulate ar·tic·u·late (är-tĭk’yə-lĭt)

capable of speaking distinctly and connectedly.

consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.

v. ar·tic·u·lat·ed, ar·tic·u·lat·ing, ar·tic·u·lates (-lāt’)

to speak distinctly and connectedly.

to join or connect together loosely to allow motion between the parts.

to unite by forming a joint or joints.

to form a joint; be jointed.

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    uttered clearly in distinct syllables. capable of speech; not speechless. using language easily and fluently; having facility with words: an articulate speaker. expressed, formulated, or presented with clarity and effectiveness: an articulate thought. made clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts: an articulate form; an articulate shape; an articulate area. (of ideas, form, […]

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    uttered clearly in distinct syllables. capable of speech; not speechless. using language easily and fluently; having facility with words: an articulate speaker. expressed, formulated, or presented with clarity and effectiveness: an articulate thought. made clear, distinct, and precise in relation to other parts: an articulate form; an articulate shape; an articulate area. (of ideas, form, […]

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