Arts and crafts movement
a movement, originating in england c1860 as a reaction against poor-quality m-ss-produced goods, that sought to revive earlier standards of workmanship and design, conceiving of decoration and craftsmanship as a single ent-ty to be applied to the handcrafted production of both utilitarian and decorative objects, and that produced furniture, textiles, wallpaper, jewelry, and other items, often decorated with floral motifs.
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. . adj. “pretentiously artistic,” 1902, from arts (see art (n.)); originally especially artsy-craftsy, with reference to the arts and crafts movement; always more or less dismissive or pejorative; artsy-fartsy was in use by 1971.
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pretending to artistry and craftsmanship or to an interest in arts and crafts: an artsy-craftsy chair; an artsy-craftsy person. cloyingly charming: the shop has an artsy-craftsy décor. adjective pretentiously and self-consciously artistic; straining for esthetic effect: an artsy-craftsy little boutique on nantucket (1940s+)
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mikhail [russian myi-khuh-yeel] /russian myɪ xʌˈyil/ (show ipa), . historical examples shut out from active happiness, artsybashev may have taken this method of vicarious delight. essays on russian novelists william lyon phelps for artsybashev composed his novel in 1903, when he was twenty-four years old. essays on russian novelists william lyon phelps the motto that […]