historical examples
it does not follow, of course, that these objects in europe were ever connected with a belief like that of the arunta.
the secret of the totem andrew lang
the two systems are not now fully welded in the arunta group.
folklore as an historical science george laurence gomme
this is what seems to have taken place among the arunta and the loritja.
the elementary forms of the religious life emile durkheim
the arunta also let the grub come on to its full rise before feeding.
magic and religion andrew lang
the mura mura appear really to answer to the fabled ancestors of the arunta, but are addressed in prayers.
social origins and primal law andrew lang
the arunta eating of the totem, at the magic ceremony, is not religious.
magic and religion andrew lang
the arunta of central australia are, of course, far from ‘primitive.’
magic and religion andrew lang
but it is not to the point, for the arunta have no totemic clans.
method in the study of totemism andrew lang
this prevails among the arunta “nation,” and the kaitish tribe.
myth, ritual, and religion, vol. 1 andrew lang
here are the two princ-p-l forms which it takes among the arunta.
the elementary forms of the religious life emile durkheim
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