Ashley Horne
ash horne is from the band the midnight beast (tmb) with stefan abingdon and dru wakely. they have a large following on youtube and their parody of tik tok by ke$ha went to no. 1 on the australian charts.
ash is the most good looking guy in the band. fit. funny guy with an awesome laugh. up for anything. makes the name ashley work. lovely eyes. could probably model something for a fashion industry. he probably smells good too. makes stefan abingdon look just ok when he is probably actually good looking. “he has special powers and can stay up for seven whole hours.”- the midnight beast are quite awesome.
-(quote from the midnight beast song: ninjas)
girl 1: why does ashley horne look so good in every freaking photo?
girl 2: i don’t know ..maybe ash was just born that way.
boy : i wish i were like that. (hangs his head in sadness)
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ashley neil horne is in the band ‘the midnight beast’ with stefan abingdon and dru wakely.
he is the fittest member of the band and was also in doctor who (the next doctor: episode) and eastenders and genie in the house. he is an awesome person with awesome hair
boy 1: i wish i was as fit as ashley horne
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