
the abbreviation for the phrase “ah, sweet jesus!”
this phrase is usually used in online forums and chat-rooms.
this phrase is similar to “oh my god!” or “oh my word!”.
julia: asj, i got an a in math this quarter!


becky: oh my gosh, i’m never going to find a date for the dance. asj.

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    a guy with a tendency to cling or be obsessed with chick flicks, particularly 500 days of summer and the notebook. relatively attractive, extremely sensitive, with a laid-back/mellow musical taste see that hairy kid over there? he’s such an -ssadullah

  • ass bib

    a cloth worn beneath one’s -n-s to prevent fecal matter from coming into contact with one’s briefs or pants while defecating in public. the nearest rest stop was 50 miles away. i had to sh-t on the side of the road. luckily, i had my -ss bib.

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