Assault Clip
a large capacity clip capable of killing a room of at least 30 children
your standard clip can hold at least 10 pages of paper but an -ssault clip… holy sh-t you better watch out it can hold 200 pages of paper making it illegal to have anywhere due to the federal -ssault clips ban of 2004
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a device that aids in the filling of a magazine.
commonly mistaken for the item ‘-ssault magazine’. though to be fair, a magazine is only an ‘-ssault magazine’ when you use it to -ssault someone. a magazine, either detached or attached, holds the ammunition for a particular firearm. a clip inserts into the magazine in order to fill it quicker. a magazine is not a clip, and a clip is not a magazine.
ak-47’s do not use ‘-ssault clips’. they use standard 30 capacity magazines. common examples of firearms that use clips include mauser broomhandles, the sks and the m1 garand.
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