-ssectomy – the procedure in which an -sshole is separated from an inst-tution, employer or personal relationship because of being an -sshole.
some survive an -ssectomy by joining aa -ssholes anonymous and partic-p-ting in a 12-step program to reform their lives. others just go on to another inst-tution, employer or personal relationship to repeat the cycle in an endless loop of -ssholiness.
when bill was dumped by karen, he went through a brief period of remorse following the -ssectomy but did not continue his 12-step -ssholes anonymous group and went on to inflict his -ssholiness on yet another sad but unknowing victim.
1 more definition
when one’s -ss gets procedurally and surgically removed. hurts like f-ck.
i can’t sit on my chair because of this d-mn -ssectomy
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