someone who has a strange “look”
what are you lookin at -sseyes?
7 more definitions
strange look from someone who’s eyes appear abnormally large. -ss eyes are also a look of stupidity.
he gave me the -ss eyes for saying motherf-cker in the meeting.
1. someone who is so incredibly stupid that regular insults cannot adequately convey how inept they really are.
2. sometimes one cannot quantifiably define why they don’t like a person so that person must be an -sseyes.
that guy greg was the biggest -sseyes on the boat, and now he’s the biggest -sseyes at the post office
somebody with wrinkles around their eyes which resemble folds of skin surrounding the -n-s
whoa she’s got a bad case of -ss eyes
when you get sh-t in your eye( voluntarily or involuntarily) while motorboating someones -ss
not to be confused with pink eye
last night i licked carrie’s -ss and now i got -ss eye
an incredibly drunk individual whos eyes become like b-tt cheeks, which usually involves stumbling sentences and awkward advances at unattractive persons.
bro, you had big time -ss-eyes last night when you peed your pants and then slept with that homeless lady
(n) a person (or creature) whose eyes have a special quality of vacancy and vacuousness, reminiscent of a evil, bottomless -n-s. whether utterly daft or extremely crafty, those with “-ss eyes” will appear to have no soul.
note: children and small animals commonly cry and/or take flight when caught in the gaze of an -ss eye.
girl 1: yo, girl, i was co’chillin when i noticed “-ss eyes” starring me down across the buss.
girl 2: gross.
girl 1: yeah, then when the bus stopped he purposely brushed up against my t-ts on his way out.
girl 2: f-ckin’ -ss clown.
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- ass frigate
a person who is both gay, and a huge douchecanoe. that percy, he is such an -ss frigate, that he once sucked a c-ck while it was in someone’s -ss.
to smoke high quality marijuana jon: “we just bought and eighth of master kush fool” metazo: “f-ck yeah, were about to be blazing insane kush!”
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- caught slippin
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