using a woman’s -ss cheeks to get yourself off.
ellena was a bit too fat for me to bang, but i flipped her over and pulled an -sshands on her.
6 more definitions
1. sticking one’s hand in their -ss and then shaking the hand of someone that they don’t like because they are an -ss.
2. after wiping your -ss after going to the bathroom, you gerealized that your fingers broke thru the toilet paper
1. awwww… i don’t like this guy, i think i’ll give him an -ss hand!
2. awwww… d-mn toilet paper was too thin… now i have -ss hand!
when your hands both look and feel like -ss. a bizarre peeling condition when the skin on your hands peels off and grow back and the process repeats itself.
i am embar-ssed by my -ss hands, they make it difficult to touch other people.
1. a arm that acutally grows from ones -ss. derrived from a galidor figure.
2.the ultimate weapon whilest stoned.
“don’t make me whip out the -ss-hand!”
hands that are attached to your -ss that help you ‘back there’. they don’t wipe but they do love their peel and eat shrimp!
my -ss hands are at the buffet eating peel and eat shrimp.
d-mn this shopping is heavy, wish i had a pair of -ss hands.
a symtom resulting from handing out -ss all day.
dude, i’ve gotta rest seeing as how i have a horrible case of -ss hands.
putting ones hand in their -ss when its hot and sweaty and walking behind someone and putting the -ss hand in the others face. sometimes breaking thru the lips and fingers slipping into the mouth. also the -ss juice sticks to the face so they will smell it for awhile.
omg josh just gave me a -ss hand.
omg it still stinks
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