(noun)a form of swamp -ss when back sweat is visibly soaking ones shirt and can be seen running down ones back and into the -ss crack. resembling the mississippi river delta basin after a strong rain storm.
d-mn it’s hot out here, the tide must be rising or i have some serious -ssissippi going on here.
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acronym for, a jimmy neutron fansite. “there are tons of great people on the idoj forums”. 1 more definition (v)spoken in the first-person, means to dodge an object. idoj’d the bullet.
- ass licking cunt bucket
a combination of words used in a gaming zone when owning defeat. no!! that -ss licking c-nt bucket stole my kill!!!
- hackey look
a look of dislike or disgust that is usually directed at someone when annoying them “did she just give you a hackey look?”
- Hack Fag
one who feels compelled to threaten others with hack threats in an attempt to scare them into doing what that person wants. steve: i will f-cking hack you if you do not f-cking suck my d-ck!!! dave: what a hack f-g… 1 more definition a wannabe hacker. one who has no online gaming or hacking […]
- Ass Puckering Cold
when your -ss cheeks pucker cause they don’t know what else to do cause its so cold. a time when you walk outside and its so cold the only words that come to mind is “why is it so f-cking cold?” a temperature that is so uncomfortable their is no other way to describe it. […]