hottie, hottie, hottie!
mmmmmm astrantia //drool\\
Read Also:
- AssumptionWare
stands for -ssumption software. software which performs actions that it -ssumes is ok with the user. an example of -ssumptionware would be a program that installs into a directory with no option for the user to specify a different one. another example would be a program that writes log files with no option to disable. […]
- crumbumb
he is a awesome user and deserves to be modded. d-mn crumb-mb anothe great thread. 1 more definition d-mn you, and your angry beaver crumb-mb is gonna get banned.
- crumby neck
the art of crumbs that acc-mulates on ones chest while eating in bed “yo, you’ve got crumby neck again!” “maybe i’ll just put it back in the bag.”
- athazagoraphobic
someone who is afraid of being replaced, forgotten, or ignored. me: i am an athazagoraphobic my boyfriend: what the h-ll is that? me: it means that i’m afraid you’ll forget about me or you’re gonna replace me 🙁 my boyfriend: aww babe you know i’d never do that to you, i love you.
- Bryttanie
a bad-ss mother f-cker who sh-ts rainbows and has a bad-ss fish named cookie. she has incredible swoobs and sometimes even sw-ss or swag. she will f-ck your sh-t up, n-gg-s. just kidding.. she’s too nice for that. whoa, broseph! i totally just met a bryttanie!