at attachment packet interface
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- Atar
(def 1). historical examples i mention this circ-mstance as a caution to amateurs in atar gul. the mirror of literature, amus-m-nt, and instruction various the silken case contained several crystals of atar of roses. the captain of the janizaries james m. ludlow a bath of atar of roses next received the master of the house […]
- Ataractic
a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity. adjective able to calm or tranquillize noun (obsolete) an ataractic drug noun calmness or peace of mind; emotional tranquillity adj. 1941, from greek ataraktos “not disturbed” (see ataraxia) + -ic. n. also englished as ataraxy, “calmness, imp-ssivity,” c.1600, from modern latin, from greek ataraxia “imp-ssiveness,” […]
- Ataraxic
a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity. noun calmness or peace of mind; emotional tranquillity n. also englished as ataraxy, “calmness, imp-ssivity,” c.1600, from modern latin, from greek ataraxia “imp-ssiveness,” from a-, privative prefix, + tar-ssein (attic tarattein) “to disturb, confuse,” from pie root -dher- “to make muddy, darken.”
- Atari
atari company, computer a maker of arcade games, home video game systems, and home computers, especially during the 1970s and 1980s. atari are best known for their range of 16- and 32-bit microcomputers, notable for having a built-in midi interface. as of february 1994 the range included the atari 520st, 1040st, mega st, ste, stacy, […]
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ataroth crowns. (1.) a city east of jordan, not far from gilead (num. 32:3). (2.) a town on the border of ephraim and benjamin (josh. 16:2, 7), called also ataroth-adar (16:5). now ed-da’rieh. (3.) “ataroth, the house of joab” (1 chr. 2:54), a town of judah inhabited by the descendants of caleb. historical examples to […]