an instrument for measuring the rate at which water evaporates.
historical examples
atmometer, at-mom′e-tėr, n. an instrument for measuring the rate of evaporation from a moist surface.
chambers’s twentieth century dictionary (part 1 of 4: a-d) various
atmometer, an instrument for measuring the amount of evaporation from a moist surface in a given time.
the new gresham encyclopedia. vol. 1 part 2 various
an instrument for measuring the rate of evaporation of water into the atmosphere also called evaporimeter, evaporometer
an instrument that measures the rate of evaporation of water into the atmosphere. atmometers usually measure the evaporation of water from a free water surface (such as a pan of water set into the ground so that the water’s surface is even with the ground’s surface) or from a porous, water-saturated surface (such as filter paper placed over a graduated cylinder of water). in the first type, the difference between the ground surface and the water level is used to calculate the volume of water that has evaporated in a given period of time. in the second type, the water volume is read directly from the graduated cylinder. also called evaporimeter.
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