

obsolete, .

pathology. characterized by atony.
grammar. an word, syllable, or sound.
historical examples

during the periods of calm, on the contrary, the left side also is atonic.
pedagogical anthropology maria montessori

firstly, they are of use in simple debility and in atonic dyspepsia.
the action of medicines in the system frederick william headland

some of these general conditions were pointed out while speaking of atonic forms of dyspepsia.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various

an excellent medicine in chlorosis, hysteria, and atonic amenorrha.
cooley’s practical receipts, volume ii arnold cooley

it is indicated in flatulent colic, atonic dyspepsia and diarrhœa and gives very good results.
the medicinal plants of the philippines t. h. pardo de tavera

in general terms it may be said that all conditions of depressed vitality predispose to the varied forms of atonic dyspepsia.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various

thus the sulphate and sesquichloride may, by their topical action on the stomach, be of service in cases of atonic dyspepsia.
the action of medicines in the system frederick william headland

buchard claims that atonic dilatation of the stomach is a very frequent result of an adynamic state of the general system.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various

in picard the atonic ending mes is extended to all tenses, giving amomes, &c.
encyclopaedia britannica, 11th edition, volume 11, slice 1 “franciscans” to “french language” various

like atonic dyspepsia, gastralgia is apt to affect anmic persons, and notably anmic females at menstrual periods.
a system of practical medicine by american authors, vol. ii various

(of a syllable, word, etc) carrying no stress; unaccented
(pathol) lacking body or muscle tone
an unaccented or unstressed syllable, word, etc, such as for in food for thought

atonic a·ton·ic (ā-tŏn’ĭk)
relating to, caused by, or exhibiting lack of muscle tone.
at’o·nic’i·ty (āt’ə-nĭs’ĭ-tē, āt’n-ĭs’-) n.

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