atrophedema a·troph·e·de·ma (ə-trŏf’ĭ-dē’mə)
see angioneurotic edema.
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also, atrophia [uh-troh-fee-uh] /əˈtroʊ fi ə/ (show ipa). pathology. a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage. degeneration, decline, or decrease, as from disuse: he argued that there was a progressive atrophy of freedom and independence of thought. to affect with or undergo atrophy. […]
- Atrophic
also, atrophia [uh-troh-fee-uh] /əˈtroʊ fi ə/ (show ipa). pathology. a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage. degeneration, decline, or decrease, as from disuse: he argued that there was a progressive atrophy of freedom and independence of thought. to affect with or undergo atrophy. […]
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