Attenuated virus

attenuated virus

attenuated virus n.
a strain of a virus whose pathogenicity has been reduced so that it will initiate the immune response without producing the specific disease.
historical examples

pasteurism, pas-tėr′izm, n. the method of inoculation with the attenuated virus of certain diseases, esp.
chambers’s twentieth century dictionary (part 3 of 4: n-r) various

thirdly, he showed that inoculation with the attenuated virus rendered an animal immune from infection with rabies.
little masterpieces of science: health and healing various

the matter first came to a practical issue by the inoculation of well animals with the attenuated virus.
notable events of the nineteenth century various

he proposed to furnish a drove of fifty sheep half of which were to be inoculated with the attenuated virus of pasteur.
a history of science, volume 4(of 5) henry smith williams

in the chapter on fowl cholera is described how pasteur first obtained his attenuated virus.
louis pasteur ren vallery-radot

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