
an instrument for gauging and recording acuity of hearing.
historical examples

audiometer, awd-i-om′et-ėr, n. an instrument for measuring and recording differences in the power of hearing.
chambers’s twentieth century dictionary (part 1 of 4: a-d) various

an instrument for testing the intensity and frequency range of sound that is capable of detection by the human ear

audiometer au·di·om·e·ter (ô’dē-ŏm’ĭ-tər)
an electrical instrument for measuring the threshold of hearing for pure tones of normally audible frequencies generally varying from 200 to 8000 hertz and recorded in decibels.
au’di·o·met’ric (-ō-mět’rĭk) adj.
au’di·o·me·tri’cian (-ō-mə-trĭsh’ən) n.
au’di·om’e·try n.

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